photography  PRIVILEGES       101        


  Biblical foundation                                                                                                                        

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver” (Proverbs 25:11).  God likes pictures with meaningful punch – Images that talk.  Aesthetics is His language.  It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words.  Wow… how many words can be spoken with good or great photos.  Get em!  Our Spring HIll experience is amazing in that we are God’s kids from so many different church backgrounds, who get along, love Him and each other.  Let’s capture this event’s meaning with photography.

  GOALS                                                                                                                        

    Get an “A” on this first project!   The quality of your photos obviously determines your grade.
    Employ the helps of “Photography Crash Course” along with mastering iPhoto.
    Build your personal portfolio.  This also builds your final grade.  Yippee!
    Choose your finest photo, print it, frame it, and hang it in the hallway for all to enjoy!  Oh Yeah!
    We will create an online gallery of your best works.  These will be viewed from the OCS website.  

  WALK-IT-OUT STEP BY STEP                                               

You are the privileged few, awarded Photo Passes for use at Spring Hill.  We have two encouragements and, only two imperative rules that students must understand and adults must kindly encourage:

1.  Be responsible in taking care of your equipment.  Make your momma proud! 
2.  Be kind, and take appropriate photos of everyone, not just your closest friends. 

If you truly comprehend these encouragements, 
you need not read the rules.  Read on anyhow to test yourself.  

1.  A student must have his “Photo Pass” on his person, and will not pass his pass to any other student.
2.  Digital Media and Yearbook students will take photos that promote the highest standards of Christian fellowship, morality, character and love. 
3.  You are limited to only 5 photos (no flash) during one chapel of the four chapel times.  Please comply and avoid embarrassing yourself when the chapel police read you your rights, slap the cuffs on you and confiscate your camera.

  Infractions: 
    Any attempt or execution of a photo or even a photo-gesture contrary to the intent of these encouragements and rules will result in forfeiting photo privileges, along with serious impending charges, substantiation of those charges, pursuant consequences including retribution (if applicable) and penalties set forth in the OCS handbook (suspension).  Teachers will confiscate the violator’s camera and give it to Dr. Cilluffo or Mrs. Hoffman.  Cilluffo and Hoffman will administer the corrective punishment.  Cameras will be returned to parents the week after camp, when a twenty-dollar fine is collected in the OCS office.  Said fines are gladly deposited in the Digital Media and Yearbook coffers.


  Teachers: Please heed this essential note-to-self: Understandably, when a teacher sees a group of students laughing as they view a friend’s photos its natural to surmise naughtiness (depending on the tenor of the laughter).  Please do not inadvertently presume that a student has taken inappropriate photos; know for sure before reacting.  If your suspicions are validated, kindly express your grief and confiscate the camera.  


Upload about 100 of your favorite photos to iPhoto.  
Manipulate, enhance and alter at least 50 using iPhoto.
About 5 minutes before the end of each school day, save all of your images in your folder on the Mac Server, if it is functioning.  If not be sure to use a thumb drive, a CD, or DVD.  You are responsible for these supplies. Please note:  You must backup your work, because other students use the Mac Lab and may have access to your files.  Play it safe; save and backup daily. 
Select your 3 best images.  Collaborate with your friends in class for help picking your 3 finest photographs.  Be Ware!  A good photo is not always a photo of your best friends.  Be objective; separate your heart from your eyes.
Print 2 copies of your 3 best photos.  Use iPhoto’s printer interface.  Select the “simple boarder” format, because it automatically resizes your image to fit perfectly into a standard 8x10 frame, with a balanced boarder.  
One of each print goes into your portfolio, and one of each print will be turned in to Dr. Cilluffo.  
Use a three-ring binder and plastic sleeves to protect your prints as you build your portfolio. 
Print one more image of your favorite photo and frame it in an 8x10 frame.  
You may print additional photos.  However, it’s best to print them at home on an inkjet printer or an out-source company like Kinko’s, due to the heavy print traffic on our local laser printer, on a congested network.  Besides the quality of laser prints hardly matches inkjet quality.  Go for the best.