Reading & Living Your Cranial Video of Scripture


This is an awesome way to enter the world of Bible narratives.  Although you can read the Bible anywhere at any time, you don’t have to be stationary in your thoughts.  After all, while the Apostle Paul sat in prison he boldly stated that he was seated in heavenly places (Ephesians 2).  He was not delusional but illusional.  Yes, as he met with God in his cell he was lifted up in his heart and mind to be where others hadn’t been.  Let’s try it!

Read any of the following passages and place yourself in the scenario.  Be an outsider observing the entire event.  Engage your senses.  What do you see, what can you hear, smell, touch and even taste?  What time of day is it?  How many people are around you?  How might they be perceiving the same situation?

Psalm 18            David’s Victory

Psalm 91            God’s Promise of Protection

Luke 24:13-35    The Road to Emmaus

Mark 4:35-41      The Stormy Sea

Mark 5:21-34      The Woman with the Issue of Blood

Luke 5:1-11        The Huge Draught of Fish

Luke 10:38-42     Mary, Martha and Jesus Party

After reading and living inside the Scripture passage (by using your video imagination) prayerfully ponder these questions before the Lord: How did this experience enhance my perception of this passage?  Was I challenged to think differently?  Did the Bible reading raise new questions, and what are the questions?  Did this experience make a way for new insights and applications in my life?  What are these insights and applications?

You may find it rewarding to journal your thoughts and prayers or even talk about your experience with others.